Details of viewer option (Version 2.0)

The items that can be set in the viewer options are explained in the table below.

Count to start accelThis is the time it takes to start accelerating the amount of movement when the mouse wheel is continuously rotated or when the up and down cursor keys are held down.
Accel magnitudeThe strength to accelerate the amount of movement when the mouse wheel is continuously rotated or when the up and down cursor keys are held down.
Frame cache sizeThis is the maximum number of frames (images) extracted from movie files that can be cached*1 in memory. Cached frames will be displayed faster from the second time onwards.
Use UI-panelDisplays the UI-panel which is semi-transparent area with operation buttons.
Change the thumbnail position with the check button / Enter keyWhen you press the Check-mark button or the Enter key to confirm, the displayed image is set as a thumbnail. (Same as Version 1.1 operation.)
Seek directionSet the moving direction when moving the seek bar with the mouse wheel or the up and down cursor keys.
Page modeRate modeWhen the page mode is ratio mode (button is “%”), set the amount of page movement as a percentage of the movie duration.
Time modeWhen the page mode is time mode (button is clock), set the amount of page movement in seconds.
Embed featureDisable embeddingAlways suppresses embedding function even if it is available and writes information to ADS.
Create backup fileWhen using the embedding function, the file before writing is left as a backup file. The backup file will have the original file name + a 3-digit number and extension like that “000.bak”.
System configExecute the system config app. You will need to be promote as admin on UAC.

*1: If you do a move operation during the frame extraction process, the process will be canceled and the frame will not be cached.
*2: While the option window is displayed, you can operate with the original window to confirm the effect of the settings.