開発中のThumbnailCity Version 2.1.7 ベータ版を公開しています。本版で試用して頂いた方々のコメントをお待ちしています。 Version 2.1では以下の機能追加や変更を行いました。 プレビューでサムネやブックマークを指定する際のファイルへの書込タイミングを改善 (Versi…
ThumbnailCity is software that allows you to change the thumbnail and preview of movies displayed in Windows folder to your favorite images. You can s…
Specify a thumbnail and bookmarks from the folder. Windows 8 or Windows 10 Right-click on the movie in the folder and select "Assign thumbnail". Windo…
Specify a thumbnail and bookmarks from the folder. Windows 8 or Windows 10 Right-click on the movie in the folder and select "Assign thumbnail". Windo…
About operation Can't start from start menu. Start the viewer from the folder's context menu. Refer usage page for details. For V1 here, for V2 here. …
Known bugs for ThumbnailCity Version 1.3.10 and Version 2.0.13 are followings. When a thumbnail or bookmarks are specified for the movie that frame si…
Vectorシェアレジで購入頂いたThumbnailCityのライセンス(Vector版ライセンス)は、ThumbnailCity Version 2以降では使用できません。Version 2以降を使用する場合は、PayPalで購入したライセンス(PayPal版ライセンス)が必要です。 Vector…
There are differences between the shareware and the freeware. See the table below for details. -SharewareFreewareNumber of files that can be specified…
To register a license key for ThumbnailCity shareware version, follow the procedure below. 1.Select “Register License Key” item in the folder “Thumbna…
A regal installed ThumbnailCity may be incorrectly detected as a virus by antivirus software (security software), resulting in the following problems.…
This article provides technical information about how ThumbnailCity works. For usual video files such as mp4 and FLV, there is no specification for st…
There are two ways to specify thumbnail positions for multiple movies by ThumbnailCity. The first is to specify the default position, and the second i…
On Windows 8 and 10, you can add a preview ON / OFF button to the folders toolbar. Left click here to display folders ribbon. Left click the view tab.…
The thumbnails of the movies displayed in the folder are displayed with frame so called sprocket. This sprocket is attached by the OS to the image whi…
In case of using embedding feature If you use the embedding feature, the specified thumbnail will be displayed on another PC even if you copy or move …
You can purchase the license online by going through the PayPal steps procedure from the “Buy Now” button on the introduction page. Purchase steps at …
The items that can be set in the viewer options are explained in the table below. ItemDetailCount to start accelThis is the time it takes to start acc…
The items that can be set in the viewer options are explained in the table below. ItemDetailCount to start accelThis is the time it takes to start acc…
The items that can be set in the viewer options are explained in the table below. ItemDetailCount to start accelThis is the time it takes to start acc…
The items that can be set in the System config of Version 2 are explained in the table below. ItemDetailFunctions ON-OFFThumbnail functionTurns on / o…
The items that can be set in the System config of Version 2 are explained in the table below. ItemDetailFunctions ON-OFFThumbnail functionTurns on / o…
The items that can be set in the System config are explained in the table below. ItemDetailThumbnail functionTurns on / off the function to display th…